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How to Write a Good Compare and Contrast Essay

Consider how our minds develop in the course of education. We begin by collecting thoughts on a subject, however fanciful they are, then advance to writing essays, and find our peak in writing papers and monographs. This sequence is one of cognitive development where our thinking abilities and the utility derived from them advances to levels of generating knowledge. Taking an essay as a basic collection of arguments whose intention is the generation of knowledge and for promoting a viewpoint, we realize knowing the necessary techniques for writing good essays are essential for good living. For instance, we should use essays to help us resolve critical issues in life; like choosing our best mate for a date, or marriage! Doing compare or differentiate essays is specifically important because they help us know the reasons behind our choices and objects, for clarifying or attaining specific goals.

We mimic processes similar to how to write a compare and contrast essay, unconsciously, as we choose between objects exacting resources plus effort in conflicting ways. Advances in quantum mechanics and mathematics have modeled how the human brain and body generates consciousness, and how a subject ‘orchestrates Object Reduction’ as illustrated in the Penrose-Hameroff theory. In this theory, we learn how the body’s neural networks, made of protein tubules contain information sequences that vibrate at threshold frequencies. These vibrations are in synchrony with organic vibrations in the body and by extension link with the body plexuses, and with the universe as a whole via special computational regions that are symbolized by ‘chakras’. ‘Chakra’ means ‘circle’ and a circle is a geometric representation of number. The symbolism of the circle is well illustrated in Madame Blavatsky’s works, which prove its commonness across cultures. Probing further, we find geometric representation of number as a circle along the lineage of Euclid, Archimedes, and in the deep past in ancient Egypt or Kemet.

The great Pythagoras reminded the world what had been known for ages that all is number, and that the basic numbers are 1, 2, 3, and 4 that form the basic elements of air, fire, water plus earth. A circle represents unit 1. Hence, a circle or a union of circles forms a template for understanding being. Fortunately, this tradition of circle based geometry and arithmetic has been kept alive in yoga tradition, via traditional medicine and its scientific schools of thought. Principles embodied in geometric circles provide a basis for objective truth. Such truth criteria establish grounds defining’goodness’ in ethical judgement. Such standards help us learn how to write a good compare and contrast essay. One needs to practice Ashtanga by going through enumerated steps like;

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Preparation Our Mind through Psycho-Physical Exercise and Vigilance

Our bodies have non-organic structures that transmit information to organic systems. This means that at any time there’s a default informational state held in the body – universe interface. Taking that one perceives using this default information it must follow that there must be an optimal state of information that a human can engage the world in. If one perceives objects perfectly then any attendant decisions must be perfect. Such a state of subjective – objective perception is referred as ‘holiness’ or ‘divinity’. There is a tendency for scholars to be averse of any religious language in our times; thus we may alternatively define this state as ‘perceptive neutrality’.

Perceptive neutrality is considered to be the basic way one uses to accesses truth, and the mechanics involved have been documented in the Indian sub-continent mainly in the Sankhya tradition and philosophy. The four basic elements are divided into feminine and masculine qualities to form ‘Ashtanga’ or ‘eight limbs’. This leads to the assertion that if one follows or resonates with the eight limbs then the person must attain a ‘Sattvic’ state which entails neutrality in perception, hence causing correct apprehension of objects.

Utilizing Ashtanga for Learning How to Write a Good Compare and Contrast Essay

Ashtanga entails such practices as:

This practice makes one a pious thinker, and fulfills a precondition for knowing how to write a good compare and contrast essay, not just how to write a compare and contrast essay.

Identifying Issue of Concern Using Meditation

Proficiency in Ashtanga observance and tradition expects critical issues be identified then subjected to meditation. Meditation is application of Ashtanga for specific focus on an object. For example, consider how to write a good compare and contrast essay as a meditation object integrated with Ashtanga.

By controlling the mind using breath with eye movement control, perfect stillness is achieved for answering questions or observing phenomena, and issues at hand are clarified in the final stage known as ‘Samadhi’.

Identifying of Objects in Need for Likening and Differentiation

Meditation on issues of concern is a second step in learning how to write a good compare and contrast essay. One’s meditation generally leads to writing down the problem statement in logical or mathematical format. Taking into account our basic elements plus their joining to form whole objects for consideration, one infers terms used in formal logic that resonate with the basic numbers or archetypes of 1, 2, 3, and 4. We then realize that a scholar needs to be conversant with the secrets of numbers and what each number resonates with.

Knowing how to represent the main issue and the objects involved using numbers and logic is the key to achieving harmony with the universe and is the beginning of any objective assessment. But how is one to proceed and derive precise measures of what is under consideration? The way opens up when we recall that the circles that represent the body as chakras connected to body plexuses are actually computational centers with known mathematical functions.

Subjecting Objects to ‘Chakra’ or Circle Tests in the Body

A scholar/thinker needs comprehension of how his/her body plexuses work and are modeled on the Chakra system. Plexuses are bundles of neural connections along the spine whose differentiation and spatial connections correspond with the structure of the chakras derived in the geometrical construction known as ‘the golden flower’. Every chakra is represented by a plexus connection, and given that each plexus is unique yet integrates with the other units, we infer that each plexus is a unique computational system. Hence using meditation, a scholar is expected to focus on a particular chakra in question and observe the intended object. Chakras are identified from root to crown in a human body. The root chakra is found around our perineal plexus and is often identified with color red – a computational symbol for distance and need.

A thinker visualizes color red around his/her perineal region and applies Ashtanga practice while observing an object in question. Observing an object under a red filter reveals its’ true content given its computational field as symbolized by color and traditionally derived characteristics, or by derivation of zero point conditions for quantum gravitational fields. One needs to write down these findings and experiences. Our specimen object is subjected to similar treatment through all remaining chakras with corresponding outcomes recorded.

Writing down Effects of Objects on Chakras, and Noting Implications

Realize meditation is used recursively through different stages of thought and investigation. Such a recursive process generates sufficient material useful for mathematical derivation and guides us in how to write a thesis for a compare and contrast essay. Consider an instance where an object needs a set defining its characteristics relative to basic elements, how it generates changes in its context of action plus outlines overall consequences of actions in a domain problem statement. It is necessary to detail relations and to simulate them mathematically using logical operations like ‘conjunction’, ‘disjunction’ and ‘implication’. An implication is a scholar needs to learn or recall basics of formal logic to know how to write a good compare and contrast essay.

Performing Operations on Findings – How to Write a Thesis for a Compare and Contrast Essay

Now it’s time to learn how to write a thesis for a compare and contrast essay. Provide a logical argument or proof for all significant findings generated then construct a path leading to desired outcomes described in the predefined objective. This derived path forms a basis of knowing how to write a thesis for a compare and contrast essay.

A subjective – objective thesis is defined using logical operations under Ashtanga conditions. When we grasp how to write a thesis for a compare and contrast essay using the Ashtanga and rules of logic, we are guaranteed of knowing how to write a good compare and contrast essay. After deriving our thesis one is left with a few remaining tasks:

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Transcribing Information and Knowledge Derived into an Essay

Our language of argumentation has so far been mathematical. Getting to transcribe or translate this language to common language is what is left. Such a task is easy if one is acquainted with grammars of common languages. Our remaining task is relatively simple: we need to determine how to write an introduction for a compare and contrast essay, express discourse or argument in support of our thesis, finally, how to write a conclusion for a compare and contrast essay. Following such a sequence provides a great product and proof that our understanding of how to write a compare and contrast essay is complete.

How to Write an Introduction for a Compare and Contrast Essay

Techniques regarding how to write an introduction for a compare and contrast essay are similar to those of introducing other essays. Our audience’s attention is essential, and ways must be found for capturing it. Targeting one’s emotions and concerns using threat of pain, or promise of pleasure are great choices for consideration. But our ambition must not stop there. Once we have gripped our reader, we need to follow up with a description of what our essay is about and how it is going to develop. A critical reminder is our thesis must be stated in our opening phase.

Proof for our thesis is provided in our main presentation. Presently, available techniques are those of either ensuring that each object gets exclusive treatment in a paragraph using fixed set of variables, then repeating this process in the next paragraph for a compared object; or taking both objects and giving them equal treatment in one paragraph in what is known as ‘point by point’ format.

How to Write a Conclusion for a Compare and Contrast Essay

Our article ends by showing how to write a conclusion for a compare and contrast essay. Critical issues here are related to reminding our reader of key points mentioned in our main argument, and showing how our thesis has been developed and has passed validity and truth tests. Our conclusion also offers an opportunity to mention any overlooked ideas or points proving essential for a deeper understanding of the facts presented. One may also find it necessary to mention any future implications of adopting ideas presented in the argument presented.


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